NDQ Services. Tailored Digitalisation


With a perfect mix of business and technical skills, We help you and your customers to translate, to optimize and to implement the Power Platform.


Worked on more than 15 client projects for major clients, we are proud to say we know what we are talking about! Not sure yet? Hit the contact us.


Every process is different, as are two people. The key of our success is to listen to the people, give them feedback on how an optimised process will look like. We let the end users take place in the drivers seat, we just guid them to their destination

Power Platform

To do this, NDQ Services uses the Microsoft’s Power Platform to its full extent. The low-code no code platform enables fast and relialable solutions which are easier to maintain, deliver and understood than typical development

Let’s get in touch!

NDQ Services BV

BTW BE0762.510.763